The first sources of education in Birdsboro was founded in 1820 when a “Pay School” was established. However, not until 1872 was the first public high school organized. Its curriculum was similar to Grade 8 in the year 1945. The original high school building was called the Washington Building and was located on W. 2nd Street. It was built in 1896 and served until the “new” Birdsboro High School building was built in 1927. It was later demolished in 1970.

The Birdsboro High School Roosevelt building as most remember it was built in 1927. It was located between Adams and Jefferson Streets on W 3rd Street, roughly here. It sat right behind the first Washington building.

Sports at Birdsboro High included Boy’s Basketball, Cross Country, Baseball, Bowling, and Cheerleading. Other activities included Debate Team, History Club, Glee Club, Band, and Hi-Y. The school colors were blue and white and they called themselves the Birds.

Resting on a green embankment, Far above the town,
School Song
Stands our dear old Alma Mater, Fair is her renown.
Long we’ll love her, long we’ll praise her,
to her we’ll be true.
So we sing dear Alma Mater, hail the White and Blue.

Formation of the jointure of Amity, Union and Birdsboro began in 1955. The old Birdsboro High School building became the joint Daniel Boone District’s junior high.
Plans for expansion were approved by the Department of Public Instruction in 1960. Birdsboro was selected as an appropriate place to build and a tract of land was purchased.

Construction began in 1964, and progress was plagued by strikes, flooding and a hurricane. By summer 1966 the building was nearing completion when one final disaster struck.
On August 22nd, 1966, the former Birdsboro High building was gutted by a fire and along with it went the supplies for the new school which were being stored there. At the time it was called Theodore Roosevelt School, and it was going to house Daniel Boone School District’s 5th & 6th grades.

On September 7, 1966 the new Daniel Boone High School opened. After the old Birdsboro High building was gutted by the fire it was renovated and utilized as an elementary building until the 1990s, when a new elementary building was erected on its grounds. Today, that building is occupied by a church.

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Informational contributions to this article were made by Todd Pete