Merry Christmas Berks County!!! In 1969 there was a “White Christmas” in Berks County! Do you remember?
We had over a foot of snow! All images courtesy of the Reading Eagle.

Who Said There Was a Downtown Traffic Problem?
A traffic light continues to carry out its duties despite the lack of vehicles as one lone walker makes his way up Washington Street between the Berkshire Hotel and the Reading Post Office -Eagle Photo

‘Twas the Day After Christmas And Everthing Was White
Sleigh bells rang throughout downtown Reading Friday as George Ulrich of 117 Erie Ave., used the area’s snow cover for an outing with his sleigh in the top picture. The vehicle is being drawn by his 24-year-old horse, Willie, which he has owned for 21 years. The other passenger is Ulrich’s dog, Mitzie. Riding behind the sleigh are Irvin Evans, left, of 109 Erie Ave, on his horse, Buck, and Richard Braun of 1209 Luzerne St., on his horse, Pard. In the Left picture of the second row, an old model car makes its way up Court Street between 4th and 5th streets after the snowstorm. In the photo above, Nelson Martinez of 228 S. 6th St., finds shelter in a manger scene at Second United Church of Christ at 6th and Cherry streets. To the Left, a dog, appropriately called Doggie, has to leap through the snow as it accompanies Deborah Oakley, left, of 221 Rose St., and her sister Jenifer, west on Court street from 4th street. – Eagle Photos

He Wasn’t Going Anywhere Anyway
A car parked on 4th street between Court and Penn streets shows the effects of Friday morning’s snow storm that still remained Friday night. – Eagle Photo

Perhaps Pictures Can Lie
The picture makes it look like the cars could race around 5th and Penn Streets Friday night but after the snow fall that was not the case. Actually the blurred image resulted from the long exposure required to capture the night light. – Eagle Photo

Plows Zero In on Penn Street
This was the scene in the 1000 block of Penn Street this morning as crews and equipment began to clear the main municipal thoroughfare in the wake of a snowstorm that deposited well over 12 inches of flakey whiteness on the area. The digging out operation went into full swing in anticipation of a heavy turnout of shoppers today, since most downtown stores were closed Friday because of the storm. -Eagle Photo

Alone on One of the City’s Main Streets
A woman walks along an otherwise deserted N. 5th street north of Walnut after Friday’s snowstorm brought the city to almost a standstill. – Eagle Photo
Desperately looking for pictures from the swimming pool at 7 & laurel in the late 60s.please help.
My dad and I would always go to Pomeroy’s to do some Christmas shopping for my mom. Our little yearly ritual.