In 1960, Fleetwood dedicates its new swimming pool

In 1960, a drunk driver causes a fatal accident in the parking lot of the Sante Fe Inn Restaurant on route 422 in Exeter Township

In 1961, pile in the trunk – its time to see a flick at the Drive-Ins

In 1960, Armed Forces Day Parade on Penn Street

1960’s trivia:
We often went to the Sinking Spring Drive-In to see shows. Our historical group, the Sinking Spring Area Historical Society has memorabilia in our train station museum from the drive-in including marquee letters, a speaker stand and speaker, a piece of the screen, bricks from the buildings, a piece of neon tubing and tickets. I remember going to the Astor Theater on Penn Street in Reading to see One Hundred and One Dalmations when I was 5 years old in 1961.
Curious if anyone knows the exact location of the Sante Fe restaurant?
About here:
I think it become The Charcoal Chef on Perkiomen Ave, just East of the split with Rt 568, across from a miniature golf course.