Mary’s Dog House Luncheonette

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Mary’s Dog House Luncheonette was a food establishment in St. Lawrence. Some of the favorite menu items were the hot dogs, hamburgers, baked beans, steak sandwiches, Bar-B-Cue and of course milk shakes. It was open between 11 a.m. and midnight seven days a week. It was located along Boyertown Road.

Mary's Dog House Luncheonette

Looking at the photos, it seemed like a pretty stereotypical Americana hangout spot for teenagers of the 1950s.

Mary's Dog House Luncheonette
Mary's Dog House Luncheonette
I’m only counting two but maybe theres something we don’t know…
Penn Pilot 1958 Aerial

Above is an aerial shot of where Mary’s Dog House Luncheonette once was. The commenters placed it at Bingaman St and Boyertown Pike.

I also could not find a firm closure date, but the establishment stopped advertising in Exeter High’s yearbook by 1960 so that might be significant.

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Donald H Solinger Jr
Donald H Solinger Jr
4 years ago

I remember Mary’s Dog House being on Rt 562 around what became Nichols Discount Department Store. Closer to the Turkey Hill and the bank. We would stop after CCHS football practice and get a Pot ‘O Beans.

Will DeTurck
Will DeTurck
4 years ago

it was where the corestates bank was about a block away from the turkey hill

Jake Dailey
Jake Dailey
4 years ago

Mary’s Dog House was at the corner of 562 and Bingaman St. It was on the tract where the car wash is now located.

Eric Backer
Eric Backer
4 years ago
Reply to  Jake Dailey

That’s exactly where it was located. I remember my mother and I eating burgers and fries. Early 60s.

4 years ago
Reply to  Eric Backer

Eric: Did you live on Prospect St and did your family own a store on W. High St in Pottstown?

Susie Kemp Griesemer
Susie Kemp Griesemer
4 years ago
Reply to  Jake Dailey

You are right Jake, we always loved the cherry cokes from there

Jake dailey
Jake dailey
4 years ago

How often do you hear of teens and cherry cokes today . . . ? Mary’s was a fun place!

Dave Long
Dave Long
4 years ago

It was still an eating establishment by the late 60-early 70’s. Don’t recall the name. I went to school with the daughter (Gretchen) of the people who ran it. That school may have been at the 4 room St Lawrence school or Jacksonwald school. Gas station across the street had a stock car that ran at the fairgrounds.

Peter Grande
Peter Grande
3 years ago

We didn’t go out to eat much as a child because it was too expensive. I’ll first share the name of one – Mary’s Dog House–was a diner-like, Mom and Pop place, not far from the house which my parents could afford. I love the name and remember it being a cozy atmosphere, and sitting on that U shaped bench. Does anyone have a pix of the outside?

Berks Nostalgia