Stoudt’s Restaurant was located at 602 Penn Avenue in Sinking Spring (now the 4000 block and a parking lot). It was opened in 1951 and owned by Edward and Ada Stoudt. Edward’s son, also named Edward, worked for his father starting in 1960, and eventually split off and opened Stoudt’s Black Angus; which is still a successful business on North Reading Road in Adamstown.
Stoudt’s Restaurant was known for its PA Dutch Country cooking. It closed in 1973 after 22 years, and the building was demolished to create a parking lot for St. John’s Reformed Church across the street.

Does anyone remember Goofy Golf in Sinking Spring…..loved he giant dinosaur as a boy
Does anybody remember Brown’s Diner at the bottom of Leinbach’s Hill in West Reading? I think it opened in the 1940s, maybe even 1930s, but when I knew the place in the late 1950s and early 1960s, it advertised that it was famous for “Broasted Chicken”. I found a match cover and a photograph of customers eating that I submitted a while ago, but it has not been posted.
Hi David, I replied to your email on 8/6, I haven’t been able to find a pic of Brown’s itself, but I sent you an aerial shot that it may be in. I wasnt sure of it’s exact location which may help me for further research
I did not receive your reply, and I wondered what happened. I am usually careful about this, and I have checked my junk and deleted folders. Anyway, I cannot find a photo either. I have searched under “Brown’s Diner”, “Penn Street Bridge” and “Leinbach’s Hill”. How about posting the match cover and photograph I sent you? Maybe others will know something.
P.S. That entire area changed drastically after the West Shore Bypass intersection was constructed, but the diner was at the bottom of the hill, on the south side of the curve, just before the Penn Street Bridge.
Did you live on Penn ave
When you were growing up?
Lordy! Is that really you? Yes, that’s me. How the hell are you? I have lived in Baja, Mexico for the past eighteen years. Are you retired? I still have photos of the three of us when we went to the shore with my parents. Remember? You can email me at [email protected]
Yes I remember that diner. Don’t remember name. Wasn’t there an electronics store next door, Maybe Radio Shack. I’m sure I bought a soldering iron there. Other side was Penn Iron Works. I remember the crane sticking above the fence.
Stoudt’s had great Broasted chicken. Also made from scratch milkshakes. They were also the ticketmaster and bus stop for Trailways on the Philadelphia to Harrisburg route. Being in the Navy, I would come home on leave and ride the bus from Philly to Sinky.
Maybe that is the restaurant I am thinking of that sold “broasted chicken”, but I always thought that Browns Diner in West Reading at the bottom of the hill advertised it on a huge sign. We have discussed it in here before. I cannot find any evidence of it.