Category: Drama
The Deadly Berkshire Knitting Mill Strike of 1936 – Part 3
Read more: The Deadly Berkshire Knitting Mill Strike of 1936 – Part 3This is the third part in a series that will be concluded at a later date. Consider subscribing to receive an email alert when it is published. If you haven’t, read parts one & two for context. In the wake of the violence on Thursday October 1st, 1936, the weekend kicked off surprisingly calm. Calls for peace and…
The Deadly Berkshire Knitting Mills Strike of 1936 – Part 2
Read more: The Deadly Berkshire Knitting Mills Strike of 1936 – Part 2By the time dawn broke on the morning of October 1st, 1936 temperaments of the picketers were developing from bad to worse. A Reading Eagle reporter who arrived to the scene at 5:30 a.m. described what he saw as a “bitter bloody battle at the gates of the Berkshire Knitting Mills“. Thousands of picketers turned…
The Deadly Berkshire Knitting Mill Strike of 1936 – Part 1
Read more: The Deadly Berkshire Knitting Mill Strike of 1936 – Part 1A Storm is Brewing It is dawn on October 1st, 1936. It’s a crisp fall morning and a damp rain adds to the heaviness of the air. The sun begins rising at 5:52 a.m. and thousands of workers are gathering in the morning light around the Berkshire Knitting Mills plant in Wyomissing to protest what…
Rabbit, Run Filming at Barbey’s Playground – On this day 1969
Read more: Rabbit, Run Filming at Barbey’s Playground – On this day 1969These photos capture some of the action this morning at Barbey’s playground, Schuykill avenue and W. Elm Street, where “Rabbit, Run” is being filmed. In the photo at top right a cameraman with the company adjusts a minor hitch in the camera that held up filming for about a half hour. The lower photo shows…
The Robbery of the Century | Wyomissing Bank Heist | Feb 4th 1921
Read more: The Robbery of the Century | Wyomissing Bank Heist | Feb 4th 1921One hundred years ago today – February 4, 1921, six armed men stormed into the Peoples Trust Company of Wyomissing shortly before noon demanding everyone get on the ground. Three jumped the counter and forced clerks to open the vault by gunpoint. The audacious robbers didn’t even try to obscure their faces and were unmasked…
West Reading Diner
Read more: West Reading DinerThe West Reading Diner is a piece of Berks County Americana. It was established in the 1930s on the 400 block of Penn Avenue in West Reading. All the articles I can find online say it was established in 1950. Perhaps it changed hands in ownership in 1950. The sign in the below picture indications…
Promise Unfulfilled: The Brief Life and Bizarre Death of Actor Robert Morris
Read more: Promise Unfulfilled: The Brief Life and Bizarre Death of Actor Robert MorrisA couple weeks ago an email popped up in my inbox from a Vernon Gravely. He had cited as a source in a book he had recently published that was a biography of a Reading-born man named Robert “Bobby” Morawczynski, later known under stage name “Robert Morris”. Robert lived a short but interesting life…