Happy Fathers Day, Dads! Special shout out to my own, who wrote the article below about raising two girls back in a March 2000 edition of the Reading Eagle. I was the eight year old mentioned.
You may recognize his name; my Dad worked at the Reading Eagle for the majority of my lifetime, starting in 1993 as a stringer, and survived through the bankruptcy and layoffs as Assistant Editor until he left just last September to become Head Editor of the Delco Times.

I have recollections of the bustling Reading Eagle newsroom from a few “bring your kids to work” days. The tippity tapping of keyboards and ringing phones as constant background noise. Maybe it was because I was a child, but it felt like something important was happening there.
Only more recently in life have I considered myself a writer. Following in his footsteps of a journalism profession was not something that I had considered when deciding on a career path. I did shadow the Eagle designers for a day to complete my “Senior Project” requirements to graduate from Wilson High School in 2009. Seeing how the journalism industry has played out since; I am glad it is not something I pursued.
Watching the decline of the Reading Eagle through him was a slow and sad journey. When he finally left last year it felt like the end of an era. Though I have no doubts – where the once behemoth local news outlet left a gaping hole – others will fill in with new mediums, styles and formats. It is the nature of all things to rise and fall.
My path was destined to be a creative one. I have found purpose in this small corner of the internet where my own writing has blossomed. While the “circulation” of my articles have not yet rivaled his, I have independently gained the attention of thousands of Berks County natives who appreciate the work I do. I like to think I have fulfilled his desire to see eight year old me flourish professionally and personally.
Time has a funny way of bringing things full circle. Twenty-three years later and I now have two children of my own to lug to bed nightly. When I look at them I wonder what kind of people they will turn out to be. I can only instill in them what was instilled in me.

I definitely appreciate the work you do. Having grown up in the Muhlenberg area till I left for the air cross in 1971, and finally ending up in Georgia, I look forward to your keen angles of Berks county every month.
Thank you for reading, Larry!
Excellent tribute and original article by your Dad. I enjoy your articles. Being a transplant to Berks County; I enjoy learning more about the area and sharing the information with my children who have spent the majority of their lives here.
thanks Scott, I suppose I shouldn’t assume all of my readers are natives. I think it is fantastic that transplants or anyone who has an interest in this stuff can enjoy this site too. Thanks for being here!
Very interesting article Alexa. My wife worked at the Eagle for 31 years and was let go with the bankruptcy. Very sad what happened to that once excellent newspaper. My wife had a fairly high position there and certainly knew your Dad. I always enjoy your work with BN and wish you success in broadening your reach.
Thanks Scott. Sorry to hear your wife was one of the many great people let go in that mess. As always I appreciate your readership!