Anchor Hotel

The Anchor Hotel

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Anchor Hotel on Canal Street

The Anchor Hotel was located on Canal Sreet (2nd street extension), right next to the Bingaman Street Bridge. This photo was taken from the Bingaman Street Bridge, looking Northeast. Notice Berks Packaging in the background. Currently where the hotel sat is Canal St as it splits when it goes under the bridge. I assume this structure was damaged during Hurricane Agnes in 1972 and needed to be razed. If you have any more info feel free to drop it in the comments.

The Anchor Hotel and Bingaman Street Bridge in 1932 – J. Victor Dallin Aerial Survey collection

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Ed Gibney
Ed Gibney
7 years ago

Alexa, I knew the kids from the family who operated the hotel in the 60s, Joe Bocian and Mary Ann Bocian. They went to school with me at St. Peter’s elementary on South 5th street and Holy Name High School. I haven’t been in touch with either of them in years but that may help you! Thanks for the Railroad pics! I worked there from 1974 to 1981.

Ed Gibney
Ed Gibney
7 years ago

I don’t recall for sure but the hotel was probably demolished along with most of the other buildings in that area following the flooding due to hurricane Agnes in 1972. The water was as high as the underside surface of the bridge.

The construction of the Blue Marsh dam and reservoir is supposed to have eliminated the threat if flooding that severe in the future.

1 month ago

Does anyone have pictures of the houses on third street? I lived at 436 south third street!


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