Furlow’s Food Market was located at 3940 Penn Avenue (then 542 Penn Ave) in Sinking Spring. It was owned by Rufus Furlow and Morton Heim. It was opened in late 1927 as the September 14th 1927 Reading Times clipping below foreshadows.

I could not find a hard date on when the market closed, though Morton’s obituary stated he worked there until he retired in 1975 after almost a half-century in business.
Today, the building still stands and serves as the Sinking Spring Public library in the front, and borough hall building in the rear.

I don’t know exact dates, but I’m pretty sure in the late 70’s or early 80’s for a brief time this was Weaver’s market. Weaver’s then moved west on Penn Avenue to adjacent to Krick Lane and became the Shurfine grocery store where the Tractor Supply currently resides.
yes, I am Ellen Heim. My grandfather Rufus Furlow built the store and the store was sold to Weavers in the 70’s . I am the ;youngest daughter of Morton and LaRue Heim(Furlow) I hAVE great memories of growing up throught the years with the store. The store originally started in the small store until my grandfather built the exisiting building which is the public library but the original building in the back was the butcher house and smoke house. Great memories. Ellen Heim
Ellen. I remember while walking home from school seeing the cows and pigs in stalls.