Pictured below is Cleveland Avenue in Wyomissing. These photos are courtesy of Wendy Sims. Her grandparent’s bought the house pictured in all of these images, 1173 Cleveland Avenue. As you can see, what is now quite a built up Wyomissing was just starting to be born around the turn of the 20th century. Thanks to Wendy for sharing these fantastic photographs.

Where was the person standing for photo #2? Trying to distinguish which homes are in the photo. And what is #3?
All three of these images are of the same house – 1171/1173 Cleveland. It appears #2 was taken on what is now between Garfield or Reading Blvd, which were only dirt roads then. #3 is taken from the intersection of Cleveland & Reading Blvd looking toward Happy Hollow Playground. You can see the same angle in picture #4 which is from today.