Anyone know where this gas station stood? The addresses have changed since the 50s so it doesn’t pinpoint a location, though I’m thinking on the corner of Penn and Cacoosing Ave’s, where Lesher’s Service Center once stood.
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Anyone know where this gas station stood? The addresses have changed since the 50s so it doesn’t pinpoint a location, though I’m thinking on the corner of Penn and Cacoosing Ave’s, where Lesher’s Service Center once stood.
Just east of Wernersville. In the vicinity of South Mountain Beer, I think. From a Google map search on the address: 501 Penn Avenue, Sinking Spring, PA 19608.
David, like I stated in the article the addresses have changed since these ads/matches were out. A Google search today will not yeild correct results in it’s location. It was in Sinking Spring proper
Not certain about street addresses changing, but that may be the case. Stoudt’s Restaurant was located at 602 Penn Avenue, so that gives us a general location, and it was miles away from Wernersville.
Correct, which is why i guessed that it was on the corner of Penn and Cacoosing, because if Stoudts was the beginning of the 600 block then that corner could be the beginning of the 500 block. Just waiting for someone who was there to confirm.
Remember Ye Olde Spring House restaurant in Sinking Spring? You could get a prime filet mignon for $5.00. I ate there many times. Best in the area. It’s address was 425 Penn Avenue, Sinking Springs, so the gas station may have been between Stoudt’s and Ye Olde Spring House if addresses had not changed. Memories of that area in 1954 are too obscure! I think you are correct in the location.
501 Penn Ave is where Lesher’s used to be.
I lived at 424 Penn Ave across from Ye Olde Spring House, behind where Dunkin is now. Yes I have eaten at the Spring House. Freemans was where Lesher’s was.