Category: Park
City Park Fallout Shelter
Read more: City Park Fallout ShelterReading’s City Park Fallout Shelter has long been the subject of mystery. The shelter’s entrance is located along Constitution Boulevard, directly next to the city’s greenhouse. The doors have been locked tight for the past few decades. A relic of an era when the ever present threat of nuclear annihilation swept our nation; perhaps you…
Dreamland Park – Rackets, Murder & Ruins
Read more: Dreamland Park – Rackets, Murder & RuinsIf you know anything of its past, the name Dreamland Park likely inspires a sense of dread within you. A tale of kidnapping, rape, torture and murder at the hands of the notorious Pagan motorcycle gang are what this park is most well-know for. But what if I told you the park’s shady past didn’t…
Centre Park Historic District
Read more: Centre Park Historic DistrictSpring has sprung, everything is coming back to life and in my opinion it is the most wonderful time of year. I went to visit Centre Park Historic District to capture some of what I find to be the most beautiful residential architecture within the city limits. Some of the most prominent mansions on Centre…
Happy Hollow Playground – Wyomissing
Read more: Happy Hollow Playground – WyomissingOn April 10, 1910 a meeting was held in the Borough Hall building at the corner on Penn Avenue and Wyomissing Boulevard. Various speakers spoke about the need for a public recreation area, and it was decided officials would be elected to form a a committee to organize a playground association. On May 16th, 1910…
A 100 Year Review of Berks – Happy New Year 2020!
Read more: A 100 Year Review of Berks – Happy New Year 2020!Happy New Year Berks County! Not only is it a new year but also the beginning of a new decade. As we leave behind the 2010s, let’s look back on the beginning of the last 10 decades, and some of the events that we experienced together as a community during them. The past is important…
Reading Hospital Photo Mystery
Read more: Reading Hospital Photo MysteryI got an email asking for help to solve the mystery of where the below photo was taken. The photo is of the back of the Reading Hospital around the time it was built in the mid-late 20s. I checked out a few aerial photos I have of the area from 1927 and 1940. Due…
Reading Public Museum – 1950s
Read more: Reading Public Museum – 1950sMrs. James Woodward enjoys an informal afternoon reading to a group of children on the spacious front lawn of the Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery. The Museum and Gallery house an important collection of art masterpieces, as well as an impressive scientific and historic collection. A particularly appealing feature is the garden surrounding the…
Carsonia Park Aerial – Then and Now – 1937
Read more: Carsonia Park Aerial – Then and Now – 1937Carsonia Park opened in 1896 and operated until 1950. It’s extensive history can be read here. It appears that the only thing that remains is the pool and lake. The main midway was built over by housing many years ago.
Monday Mystery: The Hot Air Balloon
Read more: Monday Mystery: The Hot Air BalloonFound this image in my family’s album, but no one seems to have a recollection of what, where or when this image was taken. It was likely taken in the late 60s/early 70s, and appears to be summertime by people’s apparel. It looks to be some sort of fair or carnival at a local park.…
Wyomissing Swimming Pool – Happy Hollow
Read more: Wyomissing Swimming Pool – Happy HollowHappy Hollow Park still sits tucked away in Wyomissing, though the swimming pool is no longer in existence. Happy Hollow was built with community bonds sold, and the land was donated by Henry Janssen and Thun, prominent owners of the Wyomissing Industries in 1910. The land for the pool was also donated by Thun and…