Category: Knitting Mill
Wyomissing Borough Streets – 1890, 1935 and Today
Read more: Wyomissing Borough Streets – 1890, 1935 and TodayWyomissing Borough is a community that is rich with history and ties to industry in the late 1800s and turn of the 20th century. It was a community built by the founders and businessmen who ran the knitting mills; Henry Janssen and Ferdinand Thun. It became an opportunity to house their workers so they could…
On this day March 11th 1962
Read more: On this day March 11th 1962Above the fold in the March 11th, 1962, Reading Eagle. Berkshire Knitting Mills Building 202 – better known perhaps as the “clock building” – has been sold to Schoener Candies, Inc., 216 Buttonwood St., it was announced yesterday by BKM. The building faces Reading Avenue in West Reading and will be occupied by the Schoener…
Red Building – Textile Knitting Mill / Vanity Fair
Read more: Red Building – Textile Knitting Mill / Vanity FairThe old red building was just demolished the other day, to make room for parking for what will be UGI’s new headquarters. Now is as good a time as any to take a look at it’s history, which encompasses over 100 years of use. What we currently know as the “Red Building” was the very…
Rosedale Knitting Mill
Read more: Rosedale Knitting MillRosedale Knitting Mill was once Berks County’s third largest knitting mill, behind Berkshire and Textile. It was opened in 1914 as a manufacturer of men and women’s stockings by a man named William C. Bitting. By 1921, Rosedale employed nearly 3,000 people who settled close to the site of operations within areas that eventually became Laureldale…