This is an older image of Whitner’s. Dated sometime around 1950. Check out those Christmas Tree’s on the 2nd floor ledge!

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This is an older image of Whitner’s. Dated sometime around 1950. Check out those Christmas Tree’s on the 2nd floor ledge!
I remember shopping Penn Street with my mom. Whitners and Pomeroys were my favorite stores as a child. I loved the Whitners basement cafeteria….it was delicious food especially the chocolate pudding which I dropped on the floor…by mistake of course. The restaurant cashier was at the bottom of the steps….I believe there was some kind of fountain with greenery. It was a treat for me in the 1950’s.
I remember, a teenager going to Whitners basement for a vanilla coke and french fries.
Those were the good old days…could not afford anything else in Whitners but could afford this delicious snack.