EDIT: This was an April Fools joke – please do not take it seriously…
Berkshire Mall owners have announced plans for the redevelopment of most of the mall into mixed use apartment living and a Migrant Welcoming Center.
In the developers proposal, the apartments will be a mix of studio and one bedroom units consisting of between 400-800 square feet. Due to the historical integrity of the building, the developer announced they will not be adding windows and all natural light will enter through the existing skylights. Owners have estimated the rent will be $2000 a month for a studio and up to $2800 for apartments with a skylight.
The Migrant Welcoming Center, which will be in the old Sears anchor, will provide resources to immigrants including a free boxed lunch and a voucher for a three-night stay at the Inn at Reading. The plans include constructing an underground tunnel between the mall and the Inn At Reading under the bypass for easy travel between.
Proposed plans also include constructing a Drive-In Theater on the southeast portion of the mall parking lot. Due to licensing issues it will likely only be able to play adult films. The borough council agreed to issue permits for the theater as long as the screen is oriented away from the bypass to reduce traffic accidents.

Boscov’s will remain unaltered and open during construction.
Check back for updates. Or don’t, because April Fools.
Hmm…a drive-in movie theatre that can only show adult films?? Glad they’re facing it away from the highway.
You almost had me! Nice try
Hahaha! OMG!!!! Hate to say it but you got me.
You had me at “redevelopment”.
The author admits it’s April Fools but don’t laugh too loud. It aligns with a Commonwealth mentality.
That was enough to cause heart failure! Happy April Fools Day……..
You had me till the tunnel part. Well done.
Had me for a minute!
Something seemed odd from the beginning. I wasn’t fooled for long. The tunnel clinched it!!
HA HA Got me until the Drive-In, adult only comment. Good one!
Can’t wait!
This has to be an April fools joke
Good one Alexa, good to start the day off with a laugh.
I was reading the article to my wife, and as she was ready to: “CALL SOMEBODY!” I got to the end.
Hah.. Thanks Alexa
😅 thanks for being a good sport
I do not think this was funny at all I was ready to contact the borough, and to the idiot who wrote this I am furious because after reading a bit in the beginning I was extremely upset until I realized it was an April Fools Joke. WIth Biden at the helm who knows what will happen today.
Get over yourself. It was a joke
Not a fan of Mr. Biden myself, but honestly, what would he have to do with any of this anyway?
Racist much? Keep drinking the kool aid
Lol I was gonna comment on the ridiculousness of it all then I read the other comments. You got me, that’s awesome! 😆
So they are NOT going to put in a drive in theater?? I just found my binoculars!
Almost got me! LOL
Was this voted on by the Berks county tax payers?
I don’t think they hold votes for April Fools jokes.
Is this an April Fools joke?