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Top Headlines in the April 5th 1968 Reading Eagle: Martin Luther King Jr. assassination
The Reading Drive-In Theatre opened on August 26, 1949. It cost 65 cents to per adult to watch “Perils of Pauline” on opening night. The Reading Drive-In was located on the 5th Street several miles north of Reading in Temple, Pa. The opening day newspaper ad boasted…
Above the fold in the April 3rd 1987 Reading Eagle Trying to revitalize downtown The Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre opens 30 years ago today. In the Movie Theatres
In 1962, the company began its expansion program with the opening of an exciting, contemporary “Boscov’s West” in November, located at 3564 Penn Avenue in Sinking Spring/West Lawn. Boscov’s West caught on fire on November 20th, 1967 only 5 years after it had opened, and ironically…
The Comfort Stations at 5th & Penn were essentially public restrooms that included toilets, showers, weight scales, 14 wash bowls with liquid soap, and pay compartments all of which seemed quite luxurious for when it was introduced in February of 1922. The showers and pay…
Above the fold in the March 31st 1959 Reading Eagle Neighborhoods going up around the County
The Shillington Diner can trace its roots back to the farmers market located at Museum Road and Lancaster Ave that opened in 1935. The Shillington Diner (later Restaurant) was built onto the market at 100 W Lancaster Ave and opened in 1948. In the beginning…
Above the fold in the March 30th 1981 Reading Eagle
The Reading Station Outlets were opened in 1992, to try solidify Reading’s status as “Outlet Capitol of the World”. Unfortunately due to the decline of the city most shoppers preferred to go to the Vanity Fair Outlet stores that were located further outside of the…
Above the fold in the 1973 Reading Eagle