Category: Rt. 10

  • The Ghosts of Angelica Dam & Lake

    The origins of Angelica Lake can be traced to the incorporation of the Angelica Water Company, which was founded in 1875. At that time Reading was beginning to feel the strain of unprecedented growth as it became an industrial powerhouse. Unsurprisingly many businesses were formed to accommodate the need for development. The Reading Land and…

    Read more: The Ghosts of Angelica Dam & Lake
  • Spirit of Stone Manor; The Eberly Estate

    If you have ever driven south on Route 10 and crested Green Tree Hill, you may have noticed a quiet old mansion sitting back in the shadows behind the rehab hospital. Maybe you have wondered what the story behind it is. The Tudor castle style mansion was built by Fink Construction Company in 1925 for…

    Read more: Spirit of Stone Manor; The Eberly Estate
Berks Nostalgia